Learn how to place a Wager
New to horse racing? We can help! Nothing makes this colorful, competitive and adrenaline-pumping sport more exciting than seeing your horse cross the finish line first. If you are new to horse racing, here are some basic terms and betting strategies that will make your day at the races a more familiar one.HOw TO BET
How to wager on a race
For the absolute beginner
Whether you are placing a wager on a local race or a Simulcast, at a self-service terminal or with a Mutuel teller, the process of betting on a horse race is the same. Come prepared with the below information, and be ready to present it in the order listed.
1. The name of the track you want to wager on.
2. The number of race you want to wager on.
3. The dollar amount of your wager.
4. The type of wager you would like.
5. The number (not the name) of the horse(s) you would like to wager on.
These bets are available on all races unless specified otherwise.
WIN: You collect if your horse is the official winner of the race.
PLACE: A place wager collects if your horse finishes in either first or second position.
SHOW: A show wager collects if your horse finishes in either first, second or third position.
DAILY DOUBLE: The challenge is to pick the winners of two designated consecutive races. For Penn National Gaming, it is available for the first-seventh races.
now offering
A unique winning ticket
The Hollywood Jackpot High Five Jackpot (Pentafecta), is a $.20 wager that is divided into a major and a minor (carryover) pool. The major pool is divided among all tickets correctly selecting the first five finishers of the race in exact order. The minor pool is awarded when only one unique $.20 wager correctly selects the first five finishers in exact order. If more than one ticket correctly selects the first five finishers in exact order, the minor pool is then carried over and placed in the minor pool of the next Pentafecta Race, unless the race has been designated a “Mandatory Payout Race”. If no tickets correctly select the first five finishers in exact order, then the entire pool (major and minor) carries over to the minor pool of the next Pentafecta race.
The Penn Jackpot Pick Six (“Pick 6”) is a $.20 wager that is divided into a major and a minor (carryover) pool. The entire net Pick 6 pool and carryover, if any, shall be distributed to the holder of a unique winning ticket selecting the first place finisher in each of the selected six (6) contests, based upon the official order of finish. If there is no unique winning ticket selecting the first place finisher in all six (6) contests, the major pool of the net Pick 6 pool shall be distributed as a single price pool to those who selected the first place finisher in the greatest number of Pick 6 contests and the minor pool shall be added to the carryover.